Post Lockdown Coach Day Trips - Coastal Special July and August 2020
Summer 2020 seaside day trips
Dear Customer,
Firstly, can I take this opportunity to say we hope you are all well and thank all of you that have kept in touch with us to show your support for the return of our day trips post lockdown.
Following the Government’s announcement yesterday that social distancing will reduce from 2 metre’s to 1 metre+ on 4th July 2020 we have put together a list of day tours that we will operate to seaside towns beginning on 11th July 2020.
Post Lockdown day trip schedule July - August 2020
Whilst we are eager to get back to our normal operations as soon as possible, our priority must be the safety of our customers and staff. I want to reassure you that we are going to be taking all steps possible to achieve this but unfortunately in doing so the service we provide will be affected. Therefore, for the time being our trips are going to be seaside towns only where there is an abundance of open space for you to relax or explore.
The coach you will be travelling on will have been cleaned to the highest standard before departing our depot with attention paid to sanitising all arm rests, windows, handrails and the WC. Once the coach has arrived at the destination and all passengers have disembarked the driver will park up and thoroughly clean the interior of the coach again. All seating will be allocated and only 50% of the vehicle capacity will be sold on each trip. A typical seating plan is at the bottom overleaf (seats in red will be left empty). We would encourage passengers to book in pairs from the same household or social bubble so seating in doubles can be achieved but we will of course always accommodate single passengers as well. A family of 4 can sit in double seats one behind each other, otherwise every other row and adjacent seats will be left empty.
We would encourage face coverings to be worn in line with government guidelines but will not enforce this as we do understand many medical conditions make this not possible or advisable.
At the time of booking we will ask for the name, address and contact number of each passenger, this will enable us to contact all passengers from any particular trip if at a later date it is made known to us that a passenger has developed symptoms of COVID-19. We will of course also contact all passengers to the same affect if our driver develops symptoms.
For your safety, our driver will no longer stand at the foot of the step offering assistance as you enter and exit the coach however he will lower the coach step on each occasion and if you make the driver aware that you will require assistance then he will happily do so whilst wearing gloves and a face covering. For the driver’s comfort and not to impede him, we will not insist that he wears a mask or gloves when driving. Hand sanitiser will be available at the entrance of the coach, we will leave the WC in use for emergency use with cleaning agents in the cubicle.
All normal pick-up points as listed on Spring/Summer 2020 brochure will be served on every trip with final pick up being at 10am, we will leave the coast at 5pm.
We are making every effort to return our services to you as best we can but unfortunately the hugely decreased capacity that we can safely carry has a hard impact on the financial feasibility of running our trips. For this reason, we have no choice but to charge these trips at £25.00 per seat for all ages and all destinations. We assure you that when we can operate at full capacity our prices will revert to pre-covid levels. If booking a block of 4 seats together (ie same household or social bubble) then the price will be £20.00 per seat. We hope you understand the increase and are not deterred from travelling with us.
We do hope for those of you that feel ready to use our services again that you will feel the steps we have taken will make for a safe yet enjoyable journey. For those of you that are not ready to travel with us yet, we wish you the best of health and hope that as more advances are made in the battle against COVID that you will be able to join us again in the future.
Yours sincerely
Everyone at Access Travel